Mum had twins
Dad was happy
Taiwo cried alot
Kehinde was mostly quiet
Time for schooling is here
Dad and Mum says
face your studies ardently
and you shall be great, they promised
Kehinde studied, loved by dad
Taiwo truanted, mum complained
kehinde came first in class always
Taiwo hung out with the "boys" always
Kehinde graduated, mum rejoiced
Taiwo dropped out, Dad was sad
Kehinde was proud
Taiwo was scarred
Taiwo went to the streets
Kehinde went back to school...again
Taiwo did "business"... made money
Kehinde did books ...earned degrees
Kehinde has 2.1, Taiwo has money
Taiwo has cars, Kehinde has PhD-grade
Mum loves Taiwo
Kehinde made Dad proud
Taiwo has a job
Kehinde is spelling VACANCY
Taiwo employs
Kehinde searches
Mum praises Taiwo ... "my achiever"
Dad prays for Kehinde ..."You'll be like Taiwo"
Taiwo takes all the family decisions
kehinde has ideas his head
I ask, what's the point??
In obedience ... in dreams aspirations
By his/her (IN)ACTIONS, the narrow paths are treaded!!!
I dedicate this poem to everyone whose parents had erroneously told, "Go to school, make good grades, and your life SHALL be well". May we not pass the same mistakes to our children! Amen!!!!
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