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Ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo |
After sixteen years of
often abusive military rule led by Generals Buhari, Babangida, Abacha, and
Abubakar, Nigeria ushered in another experiment in civil rule in May 1999.
During this period the military witnessed several coups and conspiracies and
was involved in many violent internal security operations. It also became
embroiled in a protracted peace-enforcement conflict, first in Liberia and then
Sierra Leone. During the same period the Babangida regime organized a
never ending 'military-civil' transition which culminated in an election in
June 1993 which he then nullified to pre-empt the apparent victory of Chief MKO
Abiola. Subsequently, an interim government was appointed and then shoved
aside - with the connivance of the political elite - by General Abacha in a
complex game of pre-programmed musical chairs.
As has been noted by
others, the deceit, bad faith and evil perpetrated during intervening years,
completely destroyed the confidence of civil society in government as an
institution and seriously undermined the self esteem of the average Nigerian.
Corruption became officially legitimized as an instrument of State. The
officer corps evolved into a cesspool for kleptocracy. Both the military and
civil society took part in the carnival. Any pretence to the rule of law was
abandoned. Human values were nearly totally destroyed as the culture of
violence became institutionalized. The destruction of the civil service,
which began during the purges of the Murtala Mohammed era, was completed.
Critical State institutions like the Central Bank became irrelevant. The
Ministry of Defence was burned and crucial records destroyed. The
Judiciary was compromised. Military professional, organizational,
technological and operational development, regimentation and esprit de corps
were severely undermined and the Army, as described by former Chief of Army
Staff Lt. Gen. Saliu Ibrahim, became an institution where "anything
goes". Another former Army Chief, Major General MC Alli aptly
pointed out that camaraderie was replaced with suspicion, fear, rivalry,
intrigue and vampirism.
After 35 years of
military rule, in which the character of coup regimes evolved from reactive and
transient to deliberate and radical and then pervasive and outright political,
there were more officers outside than inside the service, courtesy of various
coups, the civil war, purges, military trials and executions. The decline
of state structures and institutions, like the police, the armed forces and the
judiciary, combined with the "reduction of the civil population to a state
of civic surrender" was to provide the backdrop to civil-military
relations during the current transition. President Obasanjo himself made
a similar observation during a church sermon in Abeokuta back in June
1998. But he did take the view then that there were 'still good
apples within the military' which seems to be the basis of his preference for
reformation, rather than total demobilization and depoliticization as occurred
in Japan and Germany after World War 2.
Major General Mohammed
Alli (rtd.) went further to express strong opinions about certain
characteristics of Nigeria's political and civil-military discourse:
According to the former Army Chief,
"The Nigerian federal system is a
colossal deception of the highest order, a colonial, political construction
inherited by the elite in 1960 ..............The fears are deeper than
political, Northern political leaders are wary of non Moslem leaders. Their
clerics and political opinion leaders often voice this openly, with impunity.
It is really nothing new. The North has ruled the nation for thirty-five years
of its independence. Even non-northern leaders from the South and Middle Belt,
have carried on with a decisively more northern mentality even core northerners
can often not match. Northern hold on power had been predicated on four
strategic leverages, namely: geography, the Ahmadu Bello s 'north for the north
or northernization, language which eases intra-regional communication, religion
which provides political connection and rally, and finally, the military as a
fall-back position should these demographic advantages be neutralized. The
latter explains the sophisticated design of a military high command that is exclusive
and responsive to northern interests. The North's dilemma began with, and was
crystallized by General Ibrahim Babangida s reign. His annulment of the June 12
election, his succour within the northern hierarchy, and his presumed
involvement with the Islamization of Nigeria put paid to the confidence the
North had garnered over the years, for itself in the control of
Expressing a view
remarkably similar to what was expressed at the Oputa panel by Brigadier
Ibrahim Sabo, who, like Alli, was also a one time Director of Military
Intelligence, the General further wrote: "The struggle among the
contending interests for the control of the central government is the major
source and cause of Nigeria's cut-throat politics and recurring instability. There
is also a very strong linkage between the military barracks, oil resources and
coups d' etat as soldiers ravage the nation to assuage personal and group
appetite for power and wealth".
Ibrahim Sabo was more
blunt. As This Day newspapers (July 20, 2001) put it, "former head of the Directorate of
Military Intelligence (DMI), Brigadier-General Ibrahim Sabo (rtd.) alleged that
the primary aim of seizing power by military men was to steal
When civilian rule was
in sight, the U.S. lifted visa sanctions on October 26, 1998 and went on to
provide electoral assistance for elections. From October 1998 to
September 1999 financial assistance for "democratic institution-building,
health care and the strengthening of civil society" totaled $27.5 million.
The US also lifted restrictions on military sales and training and made efforts
to help prevent ethnic conflict and promote conflict resolution.
The Office of Transition Initiatives launched a program in April 1999 to help
civilians assert control over the military and train newly elected leaders in
good governance. It conducted training for all newly elected officials
throughout Nigeria. At his inauguration in May 1999, President Obasanjo,
himself a retired General and former military rule, who survived the
machinations of General Abacha, announced the appointment of new service chiefs
and purged an initial set of 91 military officers who had held "political
positions" at any time in the previous 15 years.
He appointed former Army
Chief Lt. General TY Danjuma (rtd) as the Minister for Defence while the
civilian daughter of the leader of a major opposition party was made his
Minister of state. Another former Army Chief, (and ex-Director of
Military Intelligence) Lt. Gen Aliyu Gusau became the National Security
Adviser, while yet another former Director of Military Intelligence, Major
General Abdulai Mohammed was appointed Chief of Staff at the Presidency.
Nigeria's involvement in Sierra Leone, a legacy of the military, was reviewed
and a more multilateral approach negotiated with the UN, considerably relieving
Nigeria of the huge costs of near unilateral intervention. In addition to
death and disability, the participation of Nigerian units in West African peace
keeping operations contributed to a dramatic rise in HIV sero-positivity rates
adversely reducing the operational effectiveness of fighting units and at the
same posing long term dangers to social and economic stability and
consolidation of civil-military relations. In July an Interagency Assessment
Team along with the Inter-agency Working Group on Nigeria, USAID and Department
of Defense civil-military delegations were in Nigeria to discuss regional
peacekeeping efforts and plans for right-sizing and re-professionalizing the
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Victor Malu |
As part of the
post-military rule democratization process, US military instructors were sent
to Nigeria in 2000 to train battalions in three locations for peace-keeping in
West Africa under an agreement between the State Department, the Pentagon, the
Nigerian Government and Military Professional Resources Incorporated
(MPRI). Military Professional Resources Incorporated (MPRI) is a
private organization of retired US military brass, which operates under
contract with the State Department to assist in democracy building and military
retraining efforts, skirting the bureaucratic hurdles of formal treaty making
and potentially denying the US Congress and public its traditional ability to
exercise oversight. It has since conducted an audit, as well as
phased management seminars and operational training programs for peacekeeping
and peace enforcement called Operation Focus Relief (OFR). After
the first 18 months a review was conducted by the MOD.
In addition to the
United States, the United Kingdom and Nigeria have also signed a Memorandum of
Understanding on military cooperation. It encompasses training and
equipment. British servicemen have been seconded to the
MOD. OTI on the other hand, continued to help build capacity
among local civil groups working on issues of reform, including anticorruption
and transparency in public contracting. They helped draft a "Code of
Ethics for Parliamentarians". OTI finally completed its assignment
in 2001 after assisting with a reform plan for the underpaid, ill-equipped and
poorly trained Nigerian Police Force.
Officials of the
Ministry of Defence were not involved in the initial negotiations between
Nigeria and the U.S. for the "executive" military agreement and
service chiefs reportedly had no input into the syllabus or doctrinal context
of the otherwise well-intentioned training program.
President Clinton's
Millenium Action Plan seemed to have been concluded with the President alone.
Then Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen Samuel Victor Malu was reportedly upset by
Army Base visits by 'Americans' without clearance from his office as well as
alleged inquiries from American consultants about Nigeria's 'defence
contingency plan'. He went public, reminding the Press that a
friend today could be an enemy tomorrow. This highly unusual public
outcry from the Army Chief unleashed a firestorm of angst against the program
by commentators; some citing violation of sovereignty while others invoked
ethnic power control conspiracy theories. A few armchair strategists said
that Nigeria had nothing to learn from the U.S. in the area of peace keeping,
while the Chief of Defence Staff, Vice Admiral Ogohi, told a visiting
delegation from the US Air War College that what Nigeria needed was logistic
support, not training. Alleged exchange of gunfire between a group
of foreign instructors and the Nigerian Police during one unfortunate incident
reportedly did not help matters. A series of public explanations and
clarifications from US Embassy and MPRI officials followed, but the Nigerian government
itself said little, except stress that the cooperation between the Nigerian and
American militaries was not a defence pact. This did not, however,
assuage critics. Some people in Birnin-Kebbi, for example, took to the
streets when American soldiers came to conduct training.
The tensions between the
vocal Chief of Army Staff and the President on the one hand, and the Americans
on the other, subsequently accelerated the wholesale replacement of Lt. Gen.
Samuel Victor Leo Malu (Chief of Army Staff), Vice Admiral Victor Ombu (Chief
of Naval Staff) and Air Marshal Isaac Alfa (Chief of the Air Staff) on April
24, 2001. They were replaced by then Maj.-Gen. Alexander Ogomudia, Rear
Admiral Samuel Afolayan, and Air Vice Marshal Jonah Wuyep, respectively who
were then promoted six months later.
Before then, in a move
reminiscent of the first republic MOD, the President had decided to appoint
additional Ministers of State to provide oversight for the Army, Navy and Air
Force respectively. This new 4-minister configuration, recommended by the
MPRI, replicates institutional arrangements in the United States where there
are Secretaries over each service, in addition to the Defence Secretary.
However it came in handy as a mechanism for defusing certain ethnic complaints
in the Press from spokespersons for Igbo and Hausa-Fulani interests, concerned
that service chiefs were predominantly Christian ethnic minorities from the
Middle Belt, just like the Defence Minister, and that they were
"marginalized". Thus the President allocated each of the junior
ministerial positions to a Hausa, Mallam Lawal Batagarawa (Army); Igbo, Mr. Dan
Chuke (Air Force) and Yoruba, Mrs Modupe Adelaja (Navy); civilians
respectively. Like shifting cultivation, however, following a brief lull,
complaints have again surfaced in the Press about the ethnic and zonal
distribution of Army GOCs, Naval Flag Officers Commanding, and Air Force Air
Officers Commanding.
Concurrently, efforts to
enhance civilian authority in the Ministry of Defence were beefed up. But
the new arrangements generated some civil-military tension as some senior
commanders felt some of their financial freedoms and administrative
prerogatives had shrunk. For example, just recently, in the wake of
finger pointing after the Ikeja Cantonment Ammo dump disaster, military
officers claimed that the fact that civilians were occupying top positions at
the MOD was the reason why monies allocated for maintenance work were not
promptly released. But the military has not historically been
transparent in handling of funds, a situation that made a few individuals rich,
and enabled the development of client networks and cliques. However,
although published statutory allocations to the defence sector do not make much
sense to the public and have given the military a very wrong image, the reality
on the ground for most servicemen is a horror story. But
given the history of neglect of military facilities in general, even under
military rule, long before the new dispensation, it is not entirely clear
whether the call to replace civilians is not just a cynical power play over the
control and award of contracts.
There also have been
controversies about military retiree pension funds, as well as retirement
rights and gratuities for former Biafran soldiers and policemen. Some of
these controversies spilled over onto the streets necessitating mobilization of
the Police. The Chief of Naval Staff was even locked out of the MOD on
one occasion by angry pensioners. An alleged contract for the
upgrading and overhauling of 23 Nigerian Airforce MIG 21 fighter jets valued at
$138,200,000, was reportedly the context of a nasty disagreement between the
MOD and the Presidency on one hand, and the Air Force on the other.
Two retired Generals, Admiral Aikhomu and Lt. General Useni were prevented from
leaving the country for "security reasons" by the State Security
Service (SSS) prompting a firestorm of protests from the legislature,
suspicious of political motives. The SSS cited the constitution to
justify its actions and challenged the men to go to court after the fact.
What it did not do, however, was obtain a court order before restricting the
movements of the two gentlemen. The practice of getting an apriori court order
from a senior Judge needs to be mandated by legislation as a safeguard against
arbitrary actions by security outfits, no matter how well intentioned.
Last December a serious crisis developed when the executive was accused of
fiddling with the proposed new electoral Bill, in order to foreclose viable
opposition in the forthcoming elections. No sooner had that been resolved
when the Attorney General of the federation was assassinated, shot at blank
range with a shot gun in his own bedroom.
The perpetrators still
have not been brought to book.
Shortly thereafter, a
transit ammunition dump at Ikeja Cantonment exploded, resulting in over 1000
casualties, mostly children. Angry soldiers stoned the Vice President of
the country when he paid a visit to the base. The President boxed himself into
a corner when he was quoted as telling grieving women at the cantonment to
"shut up" - a slip for which he later apologized, claiming he thought
they were "area boys". The problem of secondary detonations
from unstable munitions was, however, said to be beyond the capabilities of the
Nigerian military reflecting serious professional decay after all the years of
military rule and institutional neglect. Thus British and American
ordnance experts were flown in to help.
This time there was no
public outcry against "foreign troops". The author has
found it interesting to watch some of the expatriate ordnance experts
thoroughly savor the spotlight, calling one "press conference" after
another each time there is a controlled detonation, sort of like children being
summoned to witness "Knock-out" at Christmas. Interestingly, however,
pending a Board of Inquiry, the results of which the President promised to make
public, a bitter blame game ensued between the National Assembly and the Executive
over who was responsible for the disaster. Military sources claim that members
of the National Assembly were fully briefed about the poor condition of the
dump. Legislators cited the alleged tendency of the Executive to ignore
the House in budget decisions and implementation. The Minister said he
had given orders for money to be released by the MOD for the appropriate
preventive steps. Civil servants were in turn blamed by the military for
not following through. Whether the blast was accidental or deliberate remains
an open question.
The country had barely
settled down from the Ammo disaster when another ethnic crisis erupted in
Lagos, requiring intervention by what was already an army on the verge of
mutiny, with troubling reports of other ranks lobbying that disaster relief
funds should not be handled by their own officers. As if this was not
enough, it was followed by the nation's first National Police strike which,
once again, necessitated the mobilization of the military to perform VIP
protection and other Police duties. The situation was very delicate but
the strike was eventually called off after promises of welfare benefits to
non-striking men and discipline for strikers. However, a more serious
strike involving both junior Policemen and soldiers was then threatened, which
was even associated with anonymous letters being sent to foreign diplomatic
missions asking them to leave the country. (This was later shown to be a
hoax). Following an emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees of the ruling
party, the Inspector General and the topmost layer of the Police High Command
was belatedly replaced. Plans were also reported by newspapers for a
"massive military shake up.
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