Plateau killings: Again, Typical Military Bullshit Story

Plateau Killings of 15th Oct 2017:
Hear the spokesperson of Operation Safe Haven, Capt. Umar Adams;

 "During the killings, there was gunshot exchange between our troops and the attackers. The attackers came en masse and they were shooting sporadically and the people in the village started running towards one of the bases where our men were deployed. That was when our men offered them safety in the classroom.

"But as those attackers were still advancing, our men had to repel them by engaging them in gunshots. But because it was dark and they were many in number, our men didn't know that there were others who came from another direction. While our people were attacking those ones, others came from a different route and fired the people in the classroom. But to our greatest disappointment, people are pushing the blame on us. When the attackers were firing at our people, our men were also firing back. Our people were able to shoot some of them; but because of their number, they were moving those who were wounded by our gunshots".

I have few observations over this "tales by moonlight" story from the military. 

1. Shishisishishishikikilikishikishikishishiahikilili 😀😁😂😁😀😁😂
Laffing in Kanuri Languange. 

2. Captain Adams betrayed his military training with the manner he narrated this concocted story. Soldiers are trained to be stoic and not display emotions regardless of how touching the case is. Captain Adams couldn't bring himself to dutifully tell the bullshit story his Ogas ventriloquised to the press. No! His conscience wouldn't just allow his mouth to smoothly run the lies with any semblance of integrity. 

3. I know that basic (nay Special forces) military training empower soldiers the art of day and night warfare. Heck, amphibious movement is one the first trainings recruit go through. Soldiers are trained to fight under any conceivable circumstances. How a ragtag army of ill-trained, undisciplined herdsmen were able to outmanoeuvre our national army "due to night darkness and their large numbers" beats me. It is an embarrassment to the body of military tacticians across the world. Wow! 

4. If truly, the Army engaged the herdsmen in exchange of gunfire as their puerility insists, can we see pictorial evidence of such? How about spent bullets, blood trails (of supposedly injured attackers), etc? Aren't the allegations of compromise, collusion and connivance weighty enough to jolt the sense of responsibility of the military high command? Whoever is writing this bullshit press release for the Army needs some tutorials from Dino and/or Oga Lai. 

5. If the primary aim of deployment is to protect the villagers from marauders, simple RoE dictates that the soldiers are not under any reason to desert their primary objectives in pursuit of "overwhelming numbers of enemies". It doesn't just make any sense. If at all, the troops are to advance against the enemy (to probably create some perimeters of safety & control), common sense dictates they should leave to some personnel behind with the armless villagers. 

6. The most annoying thing is that nobody would call these soldiers and their commanders to questioning nor justice. It would simply pass and Nigerians would go back to " business as usual". Those killed are another statistics of growing numbers of people failed by their very own leaders. Even animals protect their clans. 

Blood of Zebede! I'm done with this part of the world.


Photo Credit: ©Punch
